Thursday, June 25, 2009

376...UN Drug Czar Says We Should Take Action

The United Nations' drug czar, Antonio Maria Costa, is urging Canada to take action on a report that identifies Canadian gangs as the leading suppliers of ecstasy in North America and increasingly proficient producers of methamphetamine for markets around the world.

"Canada has emerged an important hub for ecstasy and amphetamines," told a news conference Wednesday in the U.S. capital as he released the agency's 2009 World Drug Report.

Mr. Costa, who is from the drug free country of Italy and now splits time between New York City and Vienna, Austria, thinks that we, Canadians, should do what the United States does.

Coz that works so well there.


1 comment:

  1. Exactly! Does the media not realize they are total stooges in Harperized spin land? Give me a break please...
