Saturday, November 28, 2009

1343...Prime Minister Elizabeth May

You laugh at that?

What about Premier Bob Rae? That wasn't supposed to happen either.

Tell you what after reading Jane Taber's piece in the Globe and Mail earlier this week, well, I gots to thinking and it really could happen.

Improbable but if the wind is at her back, y'never know.

"The poll by EKOS's Frank Graves of 5,759 (a huge sample) Canadians shows that the Green Party enjoys the support of 23.4 per cent of voters between 18 and 25 years old compared to 21 per cent for Stephen Harper's Tories, 24.7 per cent for the Michael Ignatieff's Liberals and only 18.8 per cent for Jack Layton's NDP."

It could happen.

Frank Graves goes on to state that "But we know in reality they are going to get no seats and that may well explain why under 25s do not bother to vote because they know that one of their top choices actually get no seats so what is the point?"

But if they did, boy, it would be a whole new ball game on Parliament Hill. It would take a machine to pull out the vote but but but...

If only.



  1. We've seen Green Parties pop up before, with the same hype and the same aura of youth-oriented, environmentally over-protective, proportional-vote tuned policies. They never become a big factor, and that is in Europe, an area with more social democrats and enviro-nuts than you can shake a stick at.

    Think of the transfer to Canadian politics, and watch "Prime Minister May" fizzle out like a carbonated beverage.

  2. A) As you have addressed, young people don't get out the vote.

    B) The more that people drill down on the green platform, the more voters will walk away from the green party.
