Monday, November 30, 2009

1356...Canadians Have No Sense Of Humour

Really, we don't.

Check this from the National Post, a week ago Saturday. "The chief of staff of Alberta' apologized for a comment he made online..." Apparently Mr. Stelmach has a Fargoesque Ukrainian-Canadian accent and Stephen Carter, Danielle Smith's chief of staff, took the piss out of the Premier's way of talking.

On Twitter Mr. Carter wrote that he "Just saw da premier making a speech. Dat was quite a speech. Dem media better report it right."

This got the Premier's press officer's panties in a knot and he, Tom Olsen, cried foul. Then Mr. Carter woosed out and apologized.

Geez, ya know, he duz talk like dat, eh?

Turn the page and who's mug to you see? Tina Fey's. No, sorry, Sarah Palin's.

Mock the way she speaks and it turns into an Emmy and a best seller [Going Rogue] and a shot at the Oval Office.

Lighten up Canada.


1 comment:

  1. Knocking people's ethnicity and race are off limits. That includes making fun of the accent of Ukrainian Canadians. Knocking their intellect if they are in the public arena claiming that they HAVE sufficient intellect for a particular job is okay. Get it? If Mr. Stemach's content were worthy of satire, that's okay. His manner of speaking due to his ethnicity is not. In the case of Ms Palin, her content is fair play, since she has run for a position that required a certain degree of education and intellect.
