Sunday, December 13, 2009

1426...My Fave Pol Punched In The Face

With a f*cking statue!!!

Ow, ow and ow.

The Canadian Press reports that "Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was punched in the face at the end of a rally on Sunday by a man holding a small statue in his hand, leaving the 73-year-old media mogul with a bloodied mouth and looking stunned, police said. "

This all took place in Milan where the iconic leader was speaking and greeting and signing for supporters of the Freedom Party. His attacker hit him with a mini statue of "...Milan's Duomo, the city's gargoyled cathedral and symbol, but couldn't say what the souvenir was made of. "

"Police identified the man they were questioning as Massimo Tartaglia, 42." Mr. Tartaglia didn't have any criminal record until earlier today but obviously is not a huge fan of Mr. Berlusconi.


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