Thursday, December 17, 2009

1446...Proud To Be Canuckistanian V.2

I found a Sunday Star on the bus today, last Sunday's Toronto Star so that was a bit of a bonus and in it was a great story about some proactive nuns in Sault Ste. Marie.

They are the Sisters of St. Joseph, when I was a kid they were called "Penguin Nuns" coz that is what they dressed like, penguins. They also were uber tough/violent; the principal at my school could have taken out Muhammad Ali if she was allowed to use her yard stick. Anyhow, they have hired Terry O'Reilly, the host of CBC Radio's The Age of Persuasion, for its ad campaign that will begin early next year.

The nun population is both aging and dropping. In 1988 there were 24,000 nuns in Canada; 2004 only 18,000.

"...the ads, which will consist of radio spots and notices on buses, will not get into details about the nuns' vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience."

That, my friends, is called spin.


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