Saturday, December 19, 2009

1454...When You Are Pissed Off It Doesn't Matter

How old you are. 10, 20, 30, 98. Doesn't matter.

Eric Tucker of the Associated Press has a heartwarming Christmas story about a 98 year old nursing home resident, Laura Lundquist of Dartmouth, Mass., "...who has been indicted on a second-degree murder charge that alleges she strangled her 100-year-old nursing home roommate after making the victim's life 'a living hell' because she thought the woman was 'taking over the room.' " Miss Lundquist was a bit of a psychic coz she always told her 100 year old victim, Elizabeth Barrow that she would out live her.

The nursing home said that the roommates acted like sisters and said "I love you" before turning in each night.

Sure they did.


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