Sunday, July 18, 2010

2347...May Be Dalton Is Right

Re the liquor stores in Ontario as in we should sell them.

Coming soon to Virginia, courtesy of the Free Market taking over State monopoly: better liquour stores, lower alcohol prices, and better selection.

The Guv of that state, Robert F. McDonnell, made that promise during his election run and he plans to fufil it. This will give Virginia a nice influx of cash and will bring competition to the booze biz.

While Dalton is at it, it being privatizing the LCBO, perhaps he could bust the Brewer's Retail monopoly too, eh? A case of beer that is advertised on the radio for 36 dollars [Corona] can be had all over La Belle for about 25 per cent less a 24.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe?!- Absolutely, Dalton McGuinty is right!
    This is just another reason to looove him ;-)

    Hey, can 'we' have him as the leader for the whole Lib. party sooon instead of Mr.I...?
    I would like that a lot and then call an election and Mr.McG. would become the new and greatest PM ever...!!
    Welll, one can only hope...

    ahh, nothing wrong with a little Sunday evening daydreaming, eh?! ;-)
