Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2790...Putting The Toronto Maple Leafs To Shame

Sure, the Leafs haven't won a Stanley Cup since the Centennial Year of 1967 and they may not win another until the Bi-Centennial of 2067 but at least, occasionally, they make the playoffs and the finals in the East [if that is what they are calling it this year] and they sure seem like they are trying, both on the ice and in the front office.

Plus they make beaucoup d'argent.

Still, the Leafs are pikers in the lose games/make money department compared to the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Pirates have not had a winning season since Barry Bonds left. In 1992. The closest they have come is not even close.

But they make beaucoup.

According to a set of confidential documents published on earlier this week, Major League Baseball's worst team had a net income of close to $30 million in 2007 and 2008 despite fielding teams that lost 54 more games than they won. As the AP reported on Sunday, "Losing has been profitable" for Pittsburgh.

Ottawan Phil Birnbaum wrote an extensive article in Slate that indicates that due to the way revenue sharing is structured in MLB "...the Pirates can spend a lot of money on player salaries, or they can turn a profit. They can't do both."

The deck is stacked. Not so much in the NHL.

Read the complete article, if you wish:


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