Saturday, September 25, 2010

2875...Margaret Atwood Die Already

The alleged Queen of Canuckistanian literature and lover of a free press that totally agrees with her and her pointy headed friends is all over the National Post paper Thursday last.

Apparently her highness "In a 2009 interview with Spartan Youth Radio, a radio podcast program produced by students at Espanola High School, in Espanola, Ont., near Sudbury, Ms. Atwood, or Peggy to those who know her best, gets to talking about the old days, when she was a girl, and how Sudbury, in her imagination, with its treeless landscape and blackened rocks might as well have been the surface of Mars … or the moon."

Best line about Sudbury came from Vancouver disc jockey Doc Harris who said that Sudbury makes Regina look like Shang Gr La.

I digress.

"Enter Spartan’s intrepid young reporter, Madeline Lemire, age 16 at the time, who fires a question worthy of a journalism degree at the literary legend that sends Ms. Atwood wandering down conspiracy theory lane.

Ms. Lemire: 'I was told, recently, that you are one of the believers who is of the opinion the moon landing was filmed.' (a.k.a. faked.)

And over it goes to the esteemed author. And … Ms. Atwood sounds just like she always does: monotone. Flat as a book cover. Judging from her never-changing tone it is impossible to discern if she is kidding around with a kid."

Well past her due date.


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