Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2905...Semrau A Civillian Now Lowell Green Vexed

For those who don't know Mr. Green he is a long time talker at CFRA in Ottawa, the heritage news station.

Today he is vexed about what happened to Captain, er Second Lieutenant, he was busted before he was cashiered by the Canadian Army, Robert Semrau.

The story has been widely reported but I will review. On the battlefield in the far away land of Afghanistan the then Captain murdered a severely wounded and unarmed Taliban fighter after a firefight in Helmand province two years ago.

The Canadian Press reported that "Witnesses testified Semrau fired two shots into the wounded insurgent and told them he wanted to put the man out of his misery." Couple of obvious problems with that, first one being that the enemy soldier was a man, not a dog. The second is that, as the man who sentenced Second Lieutenant Semrau, Lt.-Col. Jean-Guy Perron, said "How can we expect our soldiers to follow the laws of war if our officers do not?"


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