Thursday, October 21, 2010

2978...Col. Russ Williams' Pension

Our pandering and populist Prime Minister is making noise about taking away the monster Russ Williams', pyscho killer qu'est que c'est, pension.

No, no and no.

He paid into it and was a rising star in the military before he so spectacularly f"cked up.

Sorry, reallllll sorry, you did no catch him before he killed two and abused dozens but it is still his pension not yours.

Ca va?


1 comment:

  1. Good for you. I don't understand why people think that because someone is convicted of a crime, their property that was earned properly, lawfully should somehow be up for grabs to be taken by the mobs holding pitchforks. If there is a civil suit for monetary compensation to victims, then consider it an asset, but otherwise, back off.
