Sunday, February 13, 2011

3407...Our Beloved PM Drops Le Ball Again

Toronto Star hits it out of the park this morning when they write that Stephen Harper's "... record on democracy in the Arab Middle East has been wretched."

What makes our leader's record even worse is the fact that the leader in reforming Mid Eastern countries into democracies is none other than George W. Bush. "It is said that George W. Bush, who pushed democracy for the Arab Middle East, is not being given credit for the liberation of Egypt and Tunisia from autocracies. That's partially true. He was the first modern American president to acknowledge, as early as in 2003, that relying on Arab dictators did not promote stability."

Thing is Mr. Harper apes what Mr. Bush and the neo-cons have done down south on crime and morality but when it comes to stuff that they are right about he ignores their lead.

A boob he is.

Yet if the election were held today he would remain PM.

Canada, please, give your head a shake.


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