Thursday, March 10, 2011

3531...Canada Needs An Obama

That is what Ottawa Citizen editorial write Kate Heartfield wrote in this morning's fishwrap.

This is why it ain't gonna happen any time soon:

Spending limits. That is it in a nutshell. It is an old boyz/girlz club in Ottawa and the other halls of power in Canada.

You have to be, minimum, upper middle class to run and to get staff coz most of the staff on the hill can make double what they are getting there in the private or guv sector.

No northern Obama.


1 comment:

  1. Why do we need an Obama? He's proven to be nothing more than an utter failure; a scared rabbit with Stockholm Syndrome.

    He had opportunities to really do what implied he would do in the first 2 years of his mandate when he had both senate and house majorities. He could've really rammed through meaningful health care reform, for example, with a public option, but no, had to cater to those REthuglicans to prove he wasn't too "partisan", in an effort to prove to the Glenn Beck Fox News Crowd and Rush Limbaugh machines that he really wasn't a Muslim Marxist. In doing so, he showed himself to be an insecure school boy.

