Thursday, June 30, 2011

3887...My Un Heroes: CSBC Haters

Re Le Affaire Erickson-Gillis, Peter Worthington in the SUNs reports that the story on SUN TV "...provoked so many complaints to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (some 4,300 of them compared to a yearly average of around 2000), that the CBSC begged the public to send no more, and that they had enough to deal with."

I am willing to bet that Margie Gillis was not one of those complaintants. As I remarked earlier today, if Le Affaire Erickson-Gillis was an HBO Prize Fight the belt would have gone to Miz Gillis. Plus the whole thing has raised the profile of dance in Our Home And Native Land.

The 4,300 losers who complained to the CSBC, which is a non governmental make work project by a bunch of Josef Goebbels wannabes, should try and grasp the concept of free speech and the concept of everybody-doesn't-think-like-you.


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