Friday, September 16, 2011

4039...Jack Would Have Loved This

Jack is Jack Layton the late leader of the Dips.

I know there has been a lot of hand wringing about Andrea Horvath and other NDPers using their dead leader as some kind of attention grabbing thing. Like they are using him, his memory, to get votes.

Like, doh, yessssss. And so they should. Dude was a career pol who's wife and dad were/are career pols.

It is only business and in the business of politics being dead is often a plus in the polls. JFK immediately comes to mind. A mediocre President who was going to have a lot of trouble getting reelected in '64 takes one for the team and spurs a landslide election. You think Mr. Daisy that LBJ didn't play that card [hard] in 1964?

He did.

Ms. Horvath should honor Mr. Layton by using his images and thoughts to garner support for their causes.

Butcha gotta wanna win and it seems that Ms. Horvath would rather be correct than Premier.

Thank goodness.


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