Monday, February 13, 2012

4215...Ottawa Football Failed In Part Because...

The idiots, yes I am talking about you Joe Pao-Pao, who ran both the Renegades and the Rough Riders into oblivion, allowed the Stars and Bars, also referred to as the Slave Flag, to be worn and waved at Lansdowne Park in your capital.

According to The Southsiders they flew the Stars and Bars as a tribute to the players from the South. According to the players, WTF?

Reason I am bringing this up is I was reading the St. Paul Pioneer Press, a bird cage liner in the k-k-k-old state's capital and came across a story about West St. Paul Councilman Ed Hansen who flies the flag outside his house. It is pissing off a lot of folks including the town's mayor, John Zanmiller. Mr. Hansen, who is as enlightened as the Ottawa fans who flew the flag during CFL days, asks "What's the problem?"

Mr. Hansen went on to tell the Pioneer Press that "If people choose to be ignorant, that's their own fault. They should study history. It represents true sovereignty."

Sovereignty and slavery.


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