Tuesday, February 14, 2012

4219...But When They Are Right They Are Right

Not a big fan of the Green Party but their communications guy Kieran Green is an old friend, we played in Metallica together back in the '90's, and he passed along something I want to share with you.

To wit: "The Harper Conservatives are making a bid to have parliamentary committee business conducted in secret."

Elizabeth May, the leader of the party and an MP is quoted later in the piece as stating that "It’s becoming increasingly evident that the Harper Conservatives dislike public accountability. They are already limiting debate in the House on a regular basis, and now they intend to make committee business secret. With their majority muscle, the Conservatives can already pass whatever they want in committees. They are running roughshod over past practice and doing away with any pretence [sic]of democracy...Canadians have a right to know what committees are debating and what positions are being taken. A government that truly cared about accountability would be trying to maximize the ability of the public to be informed about committee business. Making committee business top secret is as bizarre as it is anti-democratic."



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