Sunday, June 3, 2012

4710...First Jobs Flee GM; RIM Is Next

Seriously, what the heck are the Stephen Harpers doing?

My friend Frank Shillingford puts it like this re RIM;

The way that our Canadian media is single handedly destroying RIM with speculation on its future is a daunting reminder to all entrepeneurs to take your ideas to the USA as Canada is not known for leading but following. Whats happening to RIM reminds of the 88 Seoul Olympics where the media destroyed Ben Johnson. RIM made some serious product managemeny mistakes just as Corel did in the past. As far as I can see RIM is a Canadian Company employing Canadian citizens and helping with our countries economy and tax base. Handing it an additional black eye from our own media is ridiculous. Canadian media need to know where there bread is buttered in respect to Canadian companies. The loss of this tax base in Ontario will be another blow to the Ontario tax base. 4000 Jobs at and avg of 50K in salary at a marginal tax rate of 35% is a 70 million dollar loss in taxes. The economic impact to Ontario is larger.

Canada please wake up...
Stephen Harper can you hear me?


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