Saturday, April 20, 2013

5886...Mike Duffy Makes Other Funny Joke

Geez is this guy for real or wot?

I am talking about the esteemed Senator Mike Duffy, Kanata.  Er, Prince Edward Island.  The man who took a housing allowance for living here when he lived there.  Or something like that.  Anyhow, the esteemed Senator cannot seem to get his sh*t straight.  The story now, as Kristy Kirkup wrote in my morning Kingston Whig-Standard, is that he "...said Friday he paid back the $90,172.24 associated with his Ottawa housing."  In March.

This begs the question:  if he paid back the money in March, why did he not tell Global TV that in an interview conducted in April?  In fact the esteemed Senator "...came under fire in the House of Commons earlier Friday for suggesting to Global News he hadn't actually paid back questionable living expenses despite promising to do so.  'We haven't heard from(auditing firm) Deloitte,' Duffy told Global. 'If repayment is required, it will be repaid.'"

My suggestion is perhaps the esteemed Senator was either over refreshed or recovering from a bout of over refreshing when he made one of the above statements.  As those in the know know the esteemed Senator has a great fondness for plants that are fermented and liquefied.


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